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5 Secret Tips from Professional Fitness Trainers
December 14, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Fitness trainer at the gym

We all have different fitness goals — increase muscle mass, shed weight, be able to keep up with youngsters, etc. No matter your fitness goal, there's one thing we can all agree on: we want results—and we want them fast.

However, getting results takes time and effort. You have to be willing to do the work, day in and day out. And even when you're in the position, there are no guarantees that you'll see the results you want. So what's the secret? What do the professionals know that we don't?

At Bmorefitbody POSSE, we often get asked for a wide range of trainer tips, from starting a workout routine to improving dietary habits. While everyone's needs vary, there are a few universally helpful tips. Here are our top five secrets for getting fit and staying healthy.

1. Eat clean—most of the time

Fuel your body with healthy food to see results from your fitness routine, but that doesn't mean you have to always be perfect. No one is! Balance is key. Make sure you're eating whole, nutrient-dense foods most of the time.

Of course, you'll want to indulge now and then. But, for the most part, try to eat clean. But what does "eating clean" mean? It means consuming whole, unprocessed foods as often as possible. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats whenever you can. Your body will thank you!

2. Get adequate rest and sleep

If your body is sufficiently rested between workouts, it can perform at its best. So make sure you give yourself plenty of time for rest and recovery between workouts. Taking a full rest day doesn't mean being lazy—it just means giving your body a chance. It needs to heal so you can come back stronger than ever before.

And remember, getting enough sleep is essential too! Your body repairs and regenerates while sleeping.

3. Focus on quality over quantity

It's not about how long or how often you work out. It's the quality of your workouts that matter most. If you can only fit in 30 minutes of exercise thrice per week, that's perfectly fine! Make sure those 30 minutes are spent doing something challenging and engaging all your major muscle groups.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can make the most of a short workout session. And don't forget to add some strength training, too—lifting weights helps build muscle and burn more calories even when you're at rest!

4. Take time for self-care

Fitness isn't just about the physical side of things—it's also essential to care for yourself mentally and emotionally. Take time out of your day for self-care to stay motivated and more focused on achieving your fitness goals. This might mean taking a few minutes to meditate, read a book, or even walk outside. Whatever it is that helps you feel relaxed and recharged, make sure to take advantage of it!

Remember to create a positive environment for yourself, too. If your surroundings are a downer, staying motivated would be much harder, no matter how badly you want to reach your fitness goals. So take some time to create a positive environment for yourself.

5. Be kind to yourself

Exercise can be strenuous, and if your goals aren't met as quickly as you'd like them to be, that's perfectly fine. You need time and patience—it won't happen overnight! So don't beat yourself up if things don't go as planned. Celebrate the small wins and be kind to yourself throughout the process.

If you mess up or have an off week, don't be hard on yourself. Get back up and try the following day again. You can do this!

Be a member at Bmorefitbody POSSE and work with one of Maryland's top personal trainers.

If you want more personalized trainer tips, consider joining Bmorefitbody POSSE and working with one of Maryland's top personal trainers, Coach James. He has been passionate about helping people become their best selves for over 25 years, and his customized training and nutrition plans are perfect for anyone looking to make a fundamental change in their life.

With our support and guidance, you can reach your fitness goals faster. So don't wait — call (443)418-4242 now to join the Bmorefitbody POSSE today and start building your dream body!

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