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It's time to start shaping up for your summer wedding
February 27, 2023 at 4:00 PM
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Preparing for a wedding can be a great motivation for you and your partner to get in shape together. It not only helps you look your best on your special day but also helps you build a healthier lifestyle for the future.

If you’re incorporating exercise and fitness activities into your wedding day preparations this summer, you’re in luck. Our couples' personal trainers at Bmorefitbody POSSE have put together these helpful workout tips to help you and your loved one get in shape for your wedding together.

Make a plan

Sit down with your partner and make a plan for your fitness journey together. This includes setting goals, creating a workout schedule, and deciding on a healthy meal plan. Ideally, the goal shouldn't just be to fit perfectly into your wedding attire, but also to live a healthy and active lifestyle together.

Start early

Whether you’re looking to slim down, tone up, or just work off the wedding planning stress, it’s important to start early. This helps ensure that you both can work towards reaching your ideal body goals in a healthy manner.

Work out together

Couples can motivate each other by working out together. This not only helps you stay on track but also creates a stronger bond moving forward. The best part is you can choose activities that you both enjoy so the process doesn't feel like a chore.

Hire a personal trainer

Hiring a couples’ personal trainer is an effective way for you and your spouse to reach your fitness goals before D-Day. They can create a personalized workout plan for you and your partner based on your individual needs and goals. A trainer can also provide expert guidance on proper form, technique, and even nutrition.

Stay accountable

You’re both in it together. Keep each other accountable by tracking your progress, celebrating milestones, and providing encouragement and support along the way.

Remember to de-stress

Planning a wedding can be super stressful and while frequent exercise can help take care of a big part of the stress, remember to take care of your body as well. Take the time to relax every now and then to keep your body and mind clear. If your muscles are feeling too sore, don’t force the workout. Instead, consider calming activities like massage and meditation.

Make healthy food choices

Getting in shape for your dream wedding isn’t just about working out. It’s equally important to be mindful of what you eat, especially in the few weeks leading up to the day. Setting up a healthy diet doesn't have to be a challenge either. Most nutritionists recommend a mix of lean proteins, veggies, fruits, and whole grains.

Biggest benefits of couples training

  • Builds stronger bonds: Working out together creates a sense of teamwork and strengthens the bond between couples. It also provides an opportunity to spend quality time together.
  • Provides motivation: Having a workout partner can provide motivation and accountability, which can help couples stick to their fitness goals.
  • Increases commitment: When you and your partner work out together, you’re both more likely to stick to your fitness plan and make healthier lifestyle choices.
  • Creates healthy competition: Couples can challenge each other to push their limits and achieve their goals, which can create healthy competition and improve their fitness levels.
  • Improves overall health: Regular exercise and healthy eating habits can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

In summary, getting in shape together for a wedding can be a great way for you and your loved one to not only look your best but also build a stronger relationship.

Schedule a consultation

Bmorefitbody POSSE is your trusted partner helping you and your spouse get in shape for your wedding. We provide a holistic approach to achieving your weight loss and fitness goals so you can both live healthier lifestyles even after saying “I do”.

Schedule a consultation with our couples' personal trainers today by calling (443)418-4242 or through our contact form.

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